Tuesday 7 May 2013

My Evaluation

The Dark Room Final Trailer

Final Trailer

Film Titles

Titles I made using After Effects.
Below is a title logo/animation I made for our production company Kiya Films. Kiya is a combination of Kitty and Yasmin and plays at the beginning of our trailer to make it look more professional. I created a smokey, eerie effect on the animation of Kiya Films I did this because if Kiya Films was a real company it would specialize in producing Horrors and Thrillers so its logo would need to represent this. I found using After effects to be really easy and interesting  to use once I had participated in a few tutorials provided and learnt the ropes.
I also made a title for 'The Dark Room' to be played towards the end of the trailer, I kept it quite simple, almost timeless just a cool dark grey that fades in towards the audience.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Trailer First Draft Feedback from Teachers and Peers

Feedback from the questionnaires we made for everyone to fill out: 

 Extra Feedback Given :

Saturday 27 April 2013

Poster Changes

Above is my now new and improved final dark room poster. I edited it onto a bus stop to show what it would look like as an actual poster.

The reasons why my poster changed so drastically from the first two drafts was because the two above on had three poster conventions which meant it was very weak and limited. i wanted to use the pictures above as they were taken in the dark room and have the red and black tones i wanted to maintain through out my project. However the quality was really bad so I instead made a graded background on Photoshop using stamps and cookie cutters to create a red and black toned background (on final poster) so even though i got rid of these images completely I was still keeping the same color scheme. 

Above are the conventions the posters above needed to be more successful. 

Above I have pointed out which conventions i used in my final poster; as you can see there are a lot more than my first two drafts. 

Final Poster

Above is my final poster. Made using Photoshop.